About Fuller Bucket

“Live Fuller”

To “live fuller” can mean different things to different people, but it often involves experiencing life as richly and completely as possible, embracing opportunities, pursuing passions, and making the most of every moment.

At Fuller Bucket, we believe in the power of setting and achieving meaningful goals, both personally and professionally, as a pathway to self-discovery and inner fulfillment. By providing tools, resources, and motivation, we facilitate the process of creating and pursuing bucket lists that not only enrich lives but also foster a deeper connection to one's authentic self.

If you're embarking on a personal journey of transformation and growth and need some encouragement, or if you're already on your way and looking for practical tips, inspirational stories, or idea kits to keep you motivated, Fuller Bucket is your trusted companion for the journey.

A Bucket Representing a Bucket List

Why a Bucket List?

Think of a bucket list as a roadmap for your journey, encouraging a sense of discovery and helping harness your energy. A bucket list by definition, is a collection of activities that you want to do or experience within a specific timeline, or before you “kick the bucket”. But instead of just being a list of random things you want to do before you die, bucket lists can be structured in a way that aligns with your long-term aspirations, objectives and overall well-being. A bucket list can be a powerful tool in your personal wellness journey, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being, while also encouraging personal growth, adventure, and meaningful social connections.

Paige Cannon Fuller - Fuller Bucket Founder

“Every great journey begins with one step.”

Our Founder’s Story

At one time, an imbalanced, unhealthy work-life seemed normal to me. I hid behind my busy schedule, worked hard for everyone but myself, and made excuses that there just wasn’t enough time in a day to get to all the things I wanted to do. No matter how hard I worked, no matter how much I got done, each year generally stayed the same. I felt unsettled and knew that time was passing me by. There was so much more to do. “What had happened to me and all the things I dreamed of doing?” I always thought that someday I would get to them. I was stressed, burned out, and I wasn’t taking care of the most important project in my life - “me”.

After turning fifty, I asked myself, “If not now, when?” This milestone birthday was a wake up call. I began to see that without the right mindset, intention, and a plan, someday may never come. So instead of continuing to prioritize work over life, and struggling with regret, I decided to stop holding myself back and make a positive and lasting change. I created Fuller Bucket for my own sanity, to push myself to get outside my comfort zone, and with the soul purpose to be the best version of myself while inspiring others to do the same.

Fuller Bucket was intentionally designed for individuals seeking to enhance their lives through holistic well-being, self-care practices, and fulfilling bucket list experiences.

- Paige Cannon Fuller, Founder Fuller Bucket

Jumping From a Cliff Believing Anything is Possible

Our Manifesto

Life is short. You know all those things you've always wanted to do? Go do them. There is no limit to the life you can create. Believe in yourself and the power of your dreams. Anything is possible. In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take. Write that story, book that trip, try something new. You have one life. Stop waiting for someday.